Supporters and sponsors

Patty and Mark Bostick
the bathhouse!

Baba Yaga Hut
​Matthew Moshers, artist
A house” with Chicken legs modeled after Slavic mythology.
Cedarwood shingles
Black Locust / Ipe interior
Corten weathering steel legs.
Student Engagement: Students will hear some stories on the legends of Baba Yaga and her walking hut. They will make clay amulets and talismans for protection and good luck.
The amulets will be attached directly to the hut as adornments.

Like Wales High Student drawings created, curated, prepared for exhibition by January. Dilenia Garcia, teacher; Chance Cook Asst. Principal
PlatformKIDS Art Festival exhibits student drawings at FCM, Feb 15-20
54th Annual Lake Wales Art Center exhibits student drawings, Feb. 22-23
LWAC Art Activities, distribute info on project, 40x40 tent, 4,000 attendees
Students (15-20) participate in artist led workshop at LW Art Center
Determine cost & budget; fundraise for scholarships to pay Platform, artist, & LWAC
Matthew Mosher, artist; Kristiana Heath, marine biologist & LWAC program mngr
May - August
Artist Fabrication at Massachusetts Studio
Bat Social hosted by Patti & Mark Bostick
August - September
Sculpture shipped; Installation scheduled
Kiosk designed & constructed; Student art installed; Donor recognition
September - October
Sculpture Public Celebration / Dedication